New Year, New You?

New Year’s Resolutions. Love them or hate them, as the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, most of us think about them. These resolutions usually run along the lines of “this is the year I get organized/get that big promotion/land that big client”. These are all great goals. As we start 2018, here are some things you may want to think about as resolutions for the New Year that can help enhance both your professional and personal lives.
Hit the Books: In our sound bite, Tweet filled, fast paced lives, when’s the last time you read a book? We get so much of our information from screens, but there are proven benefits to reading an actual book. Studies have shown reading printed books can increase vocabulary, improve mental acuity and memory, and improve your writing skills. There are plenty of business and self-development books to choose from, so set a goal to read more this year. Look for books written by business leaders you admire, or maybe just make the time to read a book for pleasure.
Step Outside of Your Box: Has there been something you’ve always wanted to learn? Maybe you’re not a tech person, but you are curious about building websites. Or, you’d like to learn more about another aspect of your industry that you are not directly involved with. A quick online search will yield a vast amount of websites that can help you learn a new skill, often at a very minimal cost or free.
Expand Your Circle: Whether you are looking to advance your business or your own personal career, networking is key. This year join professional organizations that you don’t yet belong to. Look into what events your local chamber of commerce may be promoting. Take advantage of online business associations. Make a goal to network more this year and meet people out of your industry. Having a strong professional network opens you up to new opportunities.
Give Back to the Community: Organize the people in your office and sponsor a clothing or food drive. Become an active participant in a charity or cause that you believe in. You may have something to offer as a mentor so contact local high schools or colleges to see if they have mentoring programs and use your knowledge to help someone else.
Make Time for You: And finally, the elusive work/life balance. It’s easy to forget that we work in order to have a life, and we shouldn’t be living just to work. Be sure to make time for yourself and those people that matter to you. That might be making a commitment to hit the gym 2-3 times a week or maybe picking up an old (or learning a new) personal hobby. As scary as it might sound, think about unplugging for a weekend and use it as a time to recharge. (Click here to read about what happened when our Director at De Novo HRC stopped checking email on her phone.)
Whatever your goals are for the New Year, we here at De Novo wish you continued success and growth in 2018!